Wednesday, December 31, 2008

JYC Dec 31st

December 31st One Last Night
Here we are the biggest party night of the entire year, it is 8:50 pm and I am already in my pajamas. It has been a few years since we have gone out. When I did go out, I prefer to go to a friend’s house and just sit around talking with good friends. No big glitzy parties for me. I was always ready to go home shortly after midnight anyway. I do remember one New Year’s Eve when I was in college. I was home from school for the holidays. The college group from church was getting together at a friend’s home. Many of the parents were also together. We spent the time, talking, getting caught up on what had happened the last semester and of course munching on food. One member from the group needed to make an appearance at another party and left. The weather had started getting bad, so he called us to tell us to stay put and not go home. Most of us checked in with our parents and they all agreed that the roads were getting bad and we should stay put. At some point after midnight we all began to fall asleep. The next morning the parents of the person whose house we were at came home to find about 20 of us all asleep. People were laying all over, on the floor, on the couch, etc. I am sure it was quite the picture. Looking back on it, I wish I had a picture. Not a single parent was worried about us as they knew we

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