Monday, December 15, 2008

JYC Dec 15th

December 15th Visitors
Today is supposed to be an easy topic and it really is. For the main event we go to other places and are the visitors. We head to my Mom’s for Christmas # 1, we usually pick out a day that will at least sort of work for everyone. Then we always head to Kurt’s family on Christmas day for supper. I really like the years that we do my family on a different day since it actually gives us some time at home together without having to rush to different places in one day. However, we usually have a get together on New Year’s Day. We plan an open house sort of thing where we make a couple of crock pots of chili and then a bunch of munchie type of food. Others come over and bring something to share. It is usually a very relaxed day. Since most of the time I have to go back the next day it is a very nice way to end the holiday season.

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