My Grandma Holst had a pair of glasses that she had to wear for reading. One thing I remember about her is that she was always misplacing the glasses. I remember many times being asked to look for Grandma's glasses. We would always find them, sometimes on top of her head.
Yesterday, I took a step towards becoming that Grandmother. I have been wearing glasses since 5th grade and contacts since I was a sophomore in college. Now, you need to understand that I swore I was never going back to glasses because I hated wearing them. Contacts were so much better. For the past few years, I have had trouble with reading small print. About 2 years ago my eye doctor broke the news that I needed bifocals. Argggg. At least I could get them in contacts so I wouldn't have to go back to glasses yet. The past several months it has been getting harder for me to read small print with my contacts in. I actually discovered that I could read better when I took out my contacts. I mentioned this at my last checkup a little over a month ago. I was told that it shouldn't be too hard to correct the problem, just a stronger bifocal strength for close up reading. The new contacts allowed me to read just fine close up and I loved it, until I was driving or needed to see far away, now that was hard for me to do. I had to be almost on top of a sign before I could read it. Not good if you are driving somewhere totally unfamiliar. So it was suggested that I get reading glasses and go back to my old prescription contacts. So now, I can see things in the distance, and if I put on my reading glasses I can also read stuff close up and small print. I am going to beat my Grandma at her own game however. I am planning on purchasing 6-7 pair of reading glasses and placing them in strategic places. 1. My classroom, 2. My purse, 3. My car, 4. My night stand, 5. With my computer and where ever else I discover that I might need a pair. Any one with suggestions
On my blog you ask me how I meet my online students, we are all local this semester.
hang them around your neck...
How about in your scrap tote or with your scrap supplies??
I M like U I got them every where even have the differnt types because I can see during the day better so I got them every where..LOLOLOL
SO if U come to see me U can just leave yours at home I am sure I will have a pair U can wear..
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